Spring Gardening – Let’s Get it Going!
Good morning everyone! Happy Hump Day Wednesday!!! Well, I got through another night of taking care of my auntie in the hospital. She is hanging in there although very confused. Her WBC is very high and her RBC is very low. She isn’t responding to the three antibiotics they are running into her at all. Last night I took some of her favorite books in with me and read to her, even though she slept through 80% of it.
Today’s Topic: I am ready to talk spring and specifically spring gardening. We can finally see our dead grass again! The mountains of snow are just about gone which makes me happy. We hit near 60 degrees last weekend which really helped, although we have snow flurries today. I got out a bunch of my gardening supplies and going to start some seedlings indoors this weekend. First up on our agenda is my four flower beds and then we will get busy on starting seedlings for our veggie garden. How many of you enjoy gardening and for those who do…what kind of things do you enjoy planting in the springtime?