The Candy Aisle

Ring Pop Candy

Good morning everyone! Well, we survived the latest round of winter weather and got 7 1/2″ of snow yesterday. Moving in late tonight is another round…ice and snow with up to 1/2″ of ice with it. They are already warning us that there will be power outages with this one. Sigh, when is this ever going to end? I mean really…so stinking tired of it!!!

Today’s Topic: When you walk into a store or get into the checkout aisle, what is the first piece of candy that comes to mind that you typically buy?

Hubby has a thing for Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups and always tosses one into the cart when we are in the checkout aisle. I have two weaknesses myself – Hershey’s plain milk chocolate bar or a Mallo Cup! Oh yeah, I also enjoy those super delicious Snappers Snacks which are chocolate & peanut butter coated bite-sized pretzels. Those Snappers are super addictive and I absolutely LOVE them! Have you ever tried them? If so, got a favorite flavor that you enjoy?

Have a great Tuesday & if you are in the path of the newest winter storm, stay safe!