Our Beautiful Grand Dog – Princess Nellari

Miss NellariMy daughter and her fiance got Princess Nellari when she was only 10 weeks old about 5 years ago. At the time that they got her…they were living with us for a few months so we instantly bonded with our grand dog.

Often times when we see a dog here on the Two Classy Chics blog it is Louie our mascot (owned by our fearless leader Chris aka The Boss Lady) so, today I wanted to show you a photo of our beautiful dog Nellari.

Now that the kids live on their own and right down the street from us…we get to see our grand dog quite often. She is part of the family and we love her just like if she was our own dog!

She is part pit bull, Siberian husky and dingo. She has the prettiest baby blue eyes I have ever seen on a dog! She is super loving and loves to cuddle and have fun. More importantly, she loves to wrestle with my husband and he always lets her win! hahaha!

Well there you have it! Another almost “Wordless Wednesday” post here on the Two Classy Chics blog!

How many of you own dogs and what breed are they? How long have you had them?
