Louie’s New Dog Toy

If you have been following our blog for a while, then you probably have met Lou. He has done a lot of our pet reviews. He is a big part of our family and the other day he got a prize pack in the mail and he was excited to find a new toy in there too! The problem is Louie does not understand that the stuffing is not supposed to be torn out within 5 minutes of getting the toy. He has a thing for the squeeker. He hates them! So if a toy has stuffing, it immediately comes out. But he doesn’t mind because it is fun for him… Plus he has a new toy! But it is not fun for mom to clean up after him.

What a silly guy!
Almost Wordless Wednesday - Lou's Toy https://twoclassychics.com/2014/02/almost-wordless-wednesday-lous-toy/