Louie’s New Dog Toy

If you have been following our blog for a while, then you probably have met Lou. He has done a lot of our pet reviews. He is a big part of our family and the other day he got a prize pack in the mail and he was excited to find a new toy in there too! The problem is Louie does not understand that the stuffing is not supposed to be torn out within 5 minutes of getting the toy. He has a thing for the squeeker. He hates them! So if a toy has stuffing, it immediately comes out. But he doesn’t mind because it is fun for him… Plus he has a new toy! But it is not fun for mom to clean up after him.

What a silly guy!
Almost Wordless Wednesday - Lou's Toy https://twoclassychics.com/2014/02/almost-wordless-wednesday-lous-toy/


  1. I’m becoming a big fan of Louie’s. That look on his face is priceless! Funny picture.

    Our dog Otis does the same thing. He still likes the toys even after they’ve been ripped open, stuffing scattered,, and squeaker removed. Good thing! 😀

  2. Sherry Compton says

    Look Mom, I conquered the toy! 🙂

    Yes they can love the toy a little too much and the stuffing will fly…literally. I know my sons dog thinks the goal of toys is to rip the stuffing out. We ended up buying the stuffing free toys.

  3. My dog tears apart his toy too when he gets it! Your dog Louie is so cute, and what a nice picture of him. I bet he loves his toy even though he tore it apart!

    • Oh yes! He is still playing with a small part that has managed to survive! I think it is about done now.

  4. Jo-Ann Brightman says

    I think that the photo is great . Louie seems to have that look on his face that says he know he did something wrong , but it was so much fun and you love him, so it’s OK, isn’t it? Oh well we put up with a lot because we love our pets and kids too.!

  5. Well, at eat Louie plays with those toys! Seems that every toy I buy for my fur-baby cat goes ignored for pen caps, dust bunnies, used q-tips and tissues….you get the picture! I’d love it if for once our Buddy ripped a “real” toy for pieces!

  6. Poor Louie. He sort of has that sorry look on his face. Five minutes of fun for him and 10 minutes of cleanup for mom!

    • Haha you are so right! Momma just scolded him – a little bit, but he continued to enjoy it! 🙂

  7. He really demolished that toy. I don’t like the squeakers either.