Weight Watchers 15 Minute Boot Camp Fitness DVD

The New Year reminds us about all of the those healthy things we want to work on this year. I am no different. Getting better overall health is always on my to do list and adding more exercise routines is one way to do that especially when I can do them at home in the privacy of my own home. I was sent a new dvd to check out for you from Weight Watchers.
Weight Watchers 15 Minute Boot Camp Fitness DVD
The Weight Watchers 15-Minute Boot Camp will strengthen your body as well as provide aerobic conditioning and help to improve your balance. With workouts that focus on the Upper Body, Lower Body, Core and Cardio, this is a program that is finely tuned to fit into your day!

There are four 15-minute workouts to choose from so you can do just one or mix and match to do two, three or even all four to work your whole body. Each routine is specifically designed with starter and experienced versions of the exercises so that you can work out at your own pace. Instructor Jennifer Cohen makes it easy to follow each level of movement so that your workout is a fun part of your day.

My Thoughts: The one thing I noticed while working with this DVD is that this is a bit more than a beginner DVD. There are 3 people to follow for beginner, intermediate or advanced levels for each work out. But some of these were pretty advanced for a beginner. Most of the issue I found was the length of the holds and movements. There were plenty that was a lot longer time than I could hold for a beginner, but the instructor does keep saying that you can modify as you need to as long as you keep the the correct form of the movement.

The instructor was pretty thorough with directions and repeatedly mentioned who to follow for the level of fitness you want to achieve. This DVD is certainly one that will carry you from beginner to the advanced levels. I liked that there was not a ton of movements to learn but the ones that are used are definitely sweat busters!

The 4 sets of 15 minutes are just right for the level of workout. There were several that I could not get through the 15 minutes without a break and some of the floor work was difficult for me. So this DVD is good for all levels.

One thing that may be a deterrent is the continual talking throughout the workout. There is music but the moves are not timed to the music at all. So that can be a distraction for some.

Overall, this is a great whole body workout that will challenge you. I think it is more of a medium level DVD rather than just for people that have not worked out in a long time.

Disclaimer: Chris has received no compensation for this post but did receive free product for purpose of review. Please read our Official Rules before entering this giveaway.  Two Classy Chics is not responsible for fulfillment of the prize. All Content on this site is Copyright of the Two Classy Chics All Rights Reserved.