Tips for Putting Together an Emergency Kit for Your Car

With the crazy weather we have been having lately you can never be too prepared for weather emergencies. Even living in the west, I carry certain items with me in the car in case something happens. It is very important to have a winter weather emergency car kit in your car at all times when you travel. This goes without saying for those of you living in the snow belt, but think about hurricane weather and tornado weather too. Everyone needs to be prepared.

Snow Covered Car
Here are some things you need to add to your emergency kit for your car:

* Always take a fully charged cell phone with you in the car and a car adapter for charging your cell phone (cigarette lighter adapter) so you can make emergency calls. An small inverter is handy to keep as well, in case you just have a house phone plug or need to plug in a laptop/ipad for calling for assistance.

* A GPS is helpful in helping you to get from point A to point B but it can also help you to pin point exactly where you are at to help guide emergency officials to your exact location should you break down, get stuck or get in an accident.

Your Winter and Bad Weather Kit Should Contain:

* 2 Warm Throw Blankets – more if there are extra passengers
* 1 Complete Change of Warm Clothes + Extra Hat, Gloves and Scarf per person
* 6 Single Bottles of Water
* 6 Packages of Shelf-Stable Snacks & Foods (protein bars, granola, sunflower seeds, peanut butter, crackers, beef jerky, etc.)
* 2 Days of Necessary Medications in a Ziploc Plastic Bag
* Emergency ID Card with Emergency Contact List
* Emergency Medical Alert Card w/Current Medications List & Doctor’s Phone Number
* 1 Flashlight + 2 Packs Extra Batteries
* 1 Mini Lantern + 2 Packs Extra Batteries
* 3 Sets of LED Emergency Flares
* 1 Extra Can of Motor Oil
* A bottle of AntiFreeze
* Several Packs of Matches (in case you need to start a fire)
* Battery Powered Weather Alert Radio + extra batteries
* Jumper Cables
* 1 Bag of Kitty Litter or Sand (to help provide traction under tires if you get stuck in snow or on ice)

Life+Gear LED Flares

You can never be too prepared when venturing out in bad weather. Take precautions and put together your kit today. What other items can you think of that you have added to your kit?

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