Need Fresh Sandwich Ideas
Good morning everyone! We hope you all had a great holiday and are ready to get back to normal life. Even though today is Thursday, it sure does feel like Monday to me.
Today’s Topic: Hubby will be packing his lunch for work more often this year and that means he will be packing a lot of sandwiches. I would love to hear about your favorite sandwich and please give me some fresh ideas on how to keep things interesting with his lunch?
I am a classic girl and I just like one or two pieces of lunch meat, some tomato, cheese and a little lettuce. I am not a huge cold sandwich eater but I do love hot sandwiches from time to time.
Hubby gets bored easily with just lunch meat and cheese. He doesn’t do peanut butter and jelly at all…he thinks that is for kids! He is not a shy eater and will try almost anything at least once.
So…let me hear your sandwich ideas!!! Got any strange combinations, favorites, classics, etc. I want to hear it all so I can make a list and try them out on my “test subject” husband! hahaha!
If we get enough response to this post, I will compile a master list of the ideas and publish on the blog so that others can print it out.