Must-Have Winter Fashions and Accessories

pine cones and snowGood Morning Everyone! How is everyone holding up in this deep freeze across the nation? We hit ZERO degrees at 6am this morning and with the wind chill it was -14 degrees. Not cool Old Man Winter!

Today’s Topic:  What are some of your “Must-Have” Winter Fashions and Accessories? What can’t you live without during the winter season?

For me: A good pair of snow boots are a must! I have a pair of bare traps that are faux fur lined that keep my feet toasty warm. I also recommend lots of thick slipper socks for walking around your home. Pajamas…2-piece thermals for sure, especially when it is cold outside like now. I got a new winter coat 2 months ago and I am very happy that I invested in a down-filled coat that comes almost to my knees. It is super warm & has a removable hood. Gloves, knit hat and several knit endless scarves…yup, those are my winter “must-haves” this season. What about you?

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