Cleaning Tips to Prevent the Spread of Germs

With cold and flu season here, now is a great time to remember all of the little things that get touched that can harbor germs. Remembering to clean the little things around the house will help prevent the spread of germs. We clean our homes but often overlook those little things to clean during or after someone has been sick.

Here is a list for you to help remember the items or areas that get handled and touched a lot so you can wipe them down often to prevent illnesses in your home.
Cleaning Tips to Prevent the Spread of Germs
* Phones (Home Phones & Cell Phones)
* TV Remote Controls
* Door Knobs and Light Switches
* Kitchen Cabinet Knobs & Handles
* Handles on Appliances (microwave, refrigerator, oven, freezer, etc.)
* Bathroom Sink Faucet Handles, Shower Heads, Tub Faucet Handles, Toilet Flusher)
* Lamp Light Switches
* Toothbrushes Changed Regularly (Toss when sick and never house the family’s toothbrushes in the same holder.)
* Eyeglass Case and Eyeglasses/Sunglasses
* Tissue Box Holders (store in plastic or fabric holders, clean outside holder often during wintertime season)
* Hair Brushes & Combs (especially the handles)
* Door Bell and Door Knockers
* Wash Linens Frequently!

You can check out our in-depth article here on the blog on How to Clean Your Hairbrushes and Combs. This is very important and often times an over-looked cleaning task!

Tip: Don’t forget to spray the inside of your car often with Lysol and to wipe down hard surfaces in your car every few weeks, especially after someone who was sick was riding in your vehicle.

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