Christmas Morning with the Princess
The holidays are finally over and we are now into our second week in January. We had a wonderful holiday around here and I am very thankful that I wasn’t sitting in a hospital this year.
We spent Christmas morning opening gifts with our little grand daughter, my daughter Jenelle and my future son-in-law “The Big E” and then headed off to the nursing home to spend time with my great auntie, her lady friends and we had holiday dinner with them.
After we got back home we enjoyed another holiday dinner that my husband and I had prepared and did some relaxing. It sure was nice to spend time with the family this year…but wow, it wears me out!
My photo for this week is one I snapped quickly on Christmas morning before the Princess tore into all of her Christmas gifts! She was so excited and could hardly contain herself and we loved sitting here watching her eyes get big with excitement and hearing her giggle! Fun, Fun, Fun!
Well there you have it! Another “Almost” Wordless Wednesday post for this week! We hope you all had a nice holiday too!