My Kid Loves Monster Defense Spray

For the past few months my daughter has been whining about monsters. She was never afraid of monsters until a little boy at her preschool started talking about them and scaring all of the little girls in her class. Ever since that episode, she has whined to me about monsters hiding in her closet, underneath the bed and behind the shower curtain in her bathroom.

Gia is 4 1/2 years old and I guess that every child goes through a monster phase at one time or another. However, I was really hoping that as parents we wouldn’t have to deal with this issue at all.

We received a bottle of the Monster Defense Brave Spray to review for you. This “spray” comes in an easy to use 4 oz. pump bottle. I really like that size because we travel a lot and she spends a lot of time at sleepovers at Nanny’s house. I can toss the bottle in her travel bag and go. When we are at home I keep it on a shelf in her room so that we both remember to spray the Brave Spray at bedtime to keep all of the bad monsters away.Monster Defense Spray

In reality, the spray smells like a wonderful air freshener and reminds me of fresh oranges mixed with a light vanilla scent. It is very pleasing to smell and there is nothing over-whelming about its scent.

We spray two or three spritz’s of this every night after I read her a bedtime story. She knows that this Brave Spray will keep all bad monsters away. It is a bedtime routine for us which we both enjoy. Since using this at bedtime, she has not awoken scared in the middle of the night complaining about monsters. I am pretty happy about that!

This is one of those types of products that can solve the “MONSTERS” problem in any household with little kids. Even though we tell her that monsters are not real, she believes they are thanks to that little boy. Now that we use the Brave Spray, she really believes that it keeps all monsters away. What a god send to parents everywhere!!!

Disclaimer: Jenelle  has personally reviewed the product listed above. Jenelle has not received any monetary compensation for her review. Jenelle did receive a free product to try out so she could evaluate and use it for her review. Her thoughts & opinions in this review are unbiased & honest and your opinions may differ. Two Classy Chics is not responsible for delivery of any giveaway items won from this blog.


  1. Derly Foerste says

    The book seems interesting but I don’t think my daughter would want to read it just yet… she’s too young.

  2. Shari Klyn says

    “It’s all of the things that monsters fear most…

    …smells just like oranges and Daddy’s French toast.”

  3. molli vandehey says

    i am looking forward to the book! i think my daughter will love this.

  4. Honestly, I’ve never heard of this product to start with. The fact of the spray and the books to help children overcome their fear is great. Just as long as the child grows up to realize that all solutions don’t come in a bottle.

  5. Sky Sparkle says

    I love that they’re getting a book!

  6. I learned that they will soon have a hardcover book for sale.

  7. susan smoaks says

    they are coming out with a book soon which is super cool

  8. It’s cool that they have a registry to use.

  9. bryan clark says

    i need this my son ends up in my bed EVERY night and this might help me get a good night sleep

  10. Angela Newsome says

    I love that there is a Monster Registry! How Fun 🙂

  11. Tonya Dreese says

    Love the Monster’s Beware book.

  12. It’s fun that you can register your monster.

  13. I think it’s cool that there is a monster “registry”!

  14. Melissa w. says

    How fun! And on the site it says there is a companion book coming out also.

  15. You can register your monster. What a hoot!

  16. He also wrote a book Monsters Beware

  17. I am looking forward to the book to be released soon. The company was started as a result of nephew’s fear of monsters

  18. beth shepherd says

    I learned that there is a book coming out this month.

  19. natalie parvisd says

    I learned that you can put your own story on their registry!

  20. kim burnett says

    I learned that there will be a book out in January!

  21. Gennie Lancaster says

    I learned that Matt Hardesty also wrote a book to go along with the spray.

  22. I went to the sponsors site and learned that the founders Matt and Whitney Hardesty, are parents to a two year old boy and they have a girl on the way, and reside in Lincoln, NE. I also learned that Matt has since written the book, “Monsters, Beware!” which will be available the end of 2013. Cute product.

  23. danielle lima says

    They have a monster registry on their page that you can upload your own monster story to.

  24. It is a line of products that provides security to children with fears!

  25. Madonna Day says

    I learned that founder is Matt Hardesty

  26. Sherry Compton says

    I learned that they are having a book come out in January.

  27. I learned that founder Matt Hardesty has written a book called “Monsters, Beware!”

  28. rochelle haynes says

    I learned that the sponsere are matt and whitney hardesty.