Everyday Workout for Everyday Woman Fitness DVD

Who is not an everyday woman – other than the celebs who have the money and time for extensive exercise? Not everyone’s main goal in life is to have “rock-hard abs” or a “supermodel’s body”. Many of us just want to be healthy, have enough energy for family, and work. Of course, fitting into those ‘skinny’ jeans hidden in the far back of the closet would be great also. I was thrilled to receive Lisa Whelchel’s Everyday Workout for the Everyday Woman DVD for a review.
Lisa Whelchel’s Everyday Workout for Everyday Woman Fitness DVD
You may remember Lisa from the NBC show The Facts of Life, or from The New Mickey Mouse Club. She is also a Survivor: Philippines runner-up along with being an actress, author, and speaker. Although she is an actress, she seems very down-to-earth and realistic when it comes down to the physical needs of the ‘everyday woman’. Lisa is an everyday woman, with 3 kids and a career, just like us and she wanted to create a fitness DVD that teaches safe and sane workouts and inspires too, so Lisa Whelchel’s Everyday Workout for the Everyday Woman DVD was born. It features two inspiring and accessible total-body workouts for beginners with modifications for ALL levels plus bonus tips. It debuted on DVD December 3, 2013 from Acacia.

Janice Clark leads the group. Lisa, as well as two other friends, demonstrates options (Beginner, A Step Up, and Challenging). I thought it was fantastic that Janice was clear, concise, and enthusiastic. It made me feel confident enough to push myself throughout the workout.

Throughout the DVD, I really enjoyed Lisa’s humor, she always cracked a couple of jokes here and there, which somehow made me feel like I was there and able to relax my body better. “It’s not about the way I look, but the way I feel”, she says. I really enjoyed that quote from Lisa in the introduction, because it is true. It made me realize what my true focus is: my health, not my size.

This DVD has a great flow, the workout is at a good speed, not going too fast, but it never gave me any “vacations” (long breaks within the workout). Today’s everyday woman may be too busy to exercise, so she may not exercise as fully as she needs to. Also, not many enjoy exercise; it is a chore in the midst of the already overwhelming things in life that need to be handled. However, this DVD has two wonderful workouts that are great for all body types. They are also quick, and work out the entire body. It is time that the everyday woman makes time for herself and her health, because I know many who always put others and other things first instead. It’s easy to do that.

Lisa Whelchel’s Everyday Workout for the Everyday Woman DVD is a fantastic tool to support the Everyday Woman for her daily roles. This DVD is great for all ages, body types, and fitness levels. The better YOU feel as an Everyday Woman, the better your everyday priorities go. This DVD has truly made a difference in my life. Ruby Tag

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