5 Family Generations at Thanksgiving

5 Family Generations at Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving was last week and I was very blessed that this year I could enjoy it. We went into the assisted living center/nursing home and spent our Thanksgiving with my great auntie and the other seniors who live there.

My maternal grandmother passed away when I was 7 years old and her sister (my great auntie) stepped up to the plate to replace her. She helped my single mother raise my brother and me, so we are all extremely close.

For the second year in a row we spent Thanksgiving in the center with her and enjoyed a nice catered dinner. Every holiday the center caters in a dinner and we can enjoy it with her for only $10.00 per person. This year it was my great auntie Helen, my mother, myself, my daughter, grand daughter and of course…my husband was there too!

My photo for our “Almost Wordless Wednesday” for this week is a 5 generations photo that was just taken last week during Thanksgiving! We are so blessed that we all got to spend another holiday – together!
