Parents Who Consistently Send Children to School Sick

Staying Healthy During Cold and Flu Season

Good morning everyone! Happy Tuesday to you all. Hubby is slightly feeling better today and went in to the office to work a few hours. Hopefully that means I can get some work done today too.

Today’s Topic: Today I am in “vent” mode and really am going to vent about this. I know some parents are going to disagree with me and that is fine. However, I am entitled to my opinion and entitled to voice it. I am sick and tired of Parents who consistently send their children to school sick. I am talking about “infectious” sick! When our daughter was little she was sick all of the time and I mean all of the time! Hubby and I both worked full time jobs & would rotate our sick days. When we got close to running out…we hired a sitter to be on standby for days when our child was sick to cut down on our missed work time. Unlike others, we did not send our child to school sick so she could infect every other kid at the school.

Some parents disagree and pull the “I am a single parent” card or they don’t have family around card. Well, we lived in a different state and we had to find a reliable option and hired a responsible person to cover on days we couldn’t have off work. Furthermore, I know many PARENTS who drop their kids off at school SICK and then go home themselves! What the hell is going on here? If you are home and you have a sick child, why the hell are you sending that child to school to make everyone else sick? Come on now!!!

Yes, I am venting and Yes…I am fed up! My grand daughter is in her last year of full day preschool and I am tired of snot nosed kids who have infections at school constantly passing their garbage to her and making her sick! One parent in particular is habitual at sending her 2 little ones to preschool SICK and then goes home all day long and runs back in to pick them up!!!! She don’t work outside the house and should be keeping those kids at home when they are infectious sick!!! Grumble!!!!! Okay, done venting.

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