Nasty Winter Weather on the East Coast

Good morning everyone! Today I am skipping our daily topic for discussion as I am in a venting mood this morning! As you all have probably heard…the east coast is getting clobbered with a winter storm. It started yesterday morning and we had snow showers, freezing rain, sleet and some wind. We still have it going on this morning although it is supposed to move out later today. I sure hope so!

All last evening and throughout the night we kept hearing things hitting our house and trees & branches coming down. It’s quite scary to hear when its pitch black outside and you can’t see much. Anyway, starting last evening trees and tree branches started coming down. We have several of them all over our property that are down and several that didn’t come fully down are badly damaged. Ugh! So, our weekend will be spent on YARD CLEAN UP for the 7th time this year! I am sick of it now!

Nasty Winter Storms in Pennsylvania

Our 50 year old tree will need to be torn down

Nasty Winter Storms in Pennsylvania

I loved this tree but hubby said, it must go…so it will go this weekend!

Pennsylvania is like most mid-Atlantic states and we can get some really nasty winter weather. We typically get the worst of weather December through early March.



  1. So sorry about all of the damage. We didn’t get any of the wind they predicted, and lucked out. At least there’s not a foot of snow to clean up too!

  2. Robin Wilson says

    So sorry about the damage to your property. Those trees look like they were just beautiful before Mother Nature had a stab at them. AND not to mention having to freeze your buns off cleaning up after her. But on a lighter side, Happy Thanksgiving! May it be filled with fellowship, family and friends.

    Congrats to the winners.

  3. I remember that weather growing up in Ohio and don’t miss the snow, sleet and tornadoes at all. I am thankful we haven’t had a really bad earthquake here in California (yet). Also very thankful to win from Educational Insights–an awesome company for educational toys. Happy Thanksgiving!

  4. What a shame about your tree–I hope that when you and your husband get a closer look at the damage, you’ll find that it’s not as bad as it first appeared.

    Today here in Downeast Maine we had some really bad wind and rain. I was cooking most of the day, doing prep for tomorrow, and I was afraid we’d lose power. But (knock on wood!) it hasn’t gone out yet. This is kind of surprising, because we can lose power on a clear day for no apparent reason. Keeping my fingers crossed that it stays on through Thanksgiving!

  5. Sorry to see your tree battered. I have been watching how bad the weather is and I am sorry for you having to go through this. I hope you have a really good Thanksgiving and you and your family are safe from all the storms.

  6. Jo-Ann Brightman says

    Congratulations to the 5 winners.
    The nasty weather is continuing here too, but we did not have as much damage as you had. The power went off a few times, but thankfully came right back on. I am sorry that you will have to lose your 50 year old tree.

  7. This nasty weather is really unwelcome when it’s such a busy travel week.