My Guilty Pleasure – A Bubble Bath and a Glass of Wine

Good morning everyone! Brrrr! It is still windy and cold here in PA. Last night the wind kicked up again and was howling almost all night long! It woke me up several times and since I am sick right now, that added to my misery. I think I got a total of 2 hours of sleep last night.

Today’s Topic: What is your guilty little pleasure? For me, I like to self indulge in a nice fragrant bubble bath and I enjoy it while sipping on a glass of wine. When it comes to wine, I enjoy pink and white wines…rarely a red one.  When it comes to my bubble baths, I always keep at least 10 different bubble baths on-hand. I rotate my bubble bath fragrances and rarely use the same one twice in a row. I determine my fragrance for the day depending on my mood!  So, what is one of your self-indulgent guilty little pleasures?

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