Ultimate Thanksgiving Twitter Party #ThanksgivingTips

Roasted Thanksgiving Turkey

As a Good Cook kitchen Expert, I have been sharing with you info about the twitter party that is coming up on Monday evening. I just want to make sure that you have marked your calendars to join us for some fun and get in the Thanksgiving holiday mood!! Hey, you just might be a big prize winner!

The Ultimate Thanksgiving Twitter Party, Monday, November 25, 2013 at 6:00 pm to 7:00pm EST On Twitter with hashtag #Thanksgivingtips

Join in as we talk turkey about everything Thanksgiving from turkey prep to decorating the table. Plus get a chance to win a special gift and one of three $200 Thanksgiving Baskets that will arrive in time for your dinner. I know that we will be sharing all types of Thanksgiving recipes and tips so I just wanted to take moment and share a few of my tips that I have learned over the years.

My Thanksgiving Tips

** Don’t panic when your husband invites the entire family over the the holiday meal and you A) just moved into the house and B) have never cooked for 12 before. Things will be okay!

** Remember to always have your new oven and stove checked to make sure it is cooking at the right temperature before cooking a giant meal.

** Partially cooked turkey will finish in the microwave, but it takes on a weird appearance and just doesn’t taste as good

** Prepare some dishes the day before since the oven can only handle a few things at once. Remember to plan your cooking depending on the temperature of the foods to be baked. Crispy stuffing and crunchy rolls are never very tasty.

** Always remember to place a bowl or another container in the sink to capture the strained broth for gravy so it doesn’t go down the drain

** Keep your game face on and pretend you know what you are doing especially when hubby’s Grandma is standing there with a strange look on her face

** Be thankful for packaged turkey gravy mix that you had the foresight to grab on a whim

** Don’t take it personally when people wipe out the mashed potatoes, macaroni and cheese and all of the other side dishes and the turkey looks lonely on the table. Be thankful you know how to make other things to keep them full.

** Desserts never looked and tasted so good as when others bring them to share!

** A leftover 18lb turkey and it’s carcass makes a fabulous soup and meals for days after the holiday! Stock up on lots of recipes

These are a few of my Thanksgiving tips. Thankfully, I have gotten a bit more experience since this holiday meal! 🙂 Share a few of your tips with us and see you at the Twitter Party!