Getting Over Your Fear When Reporting Child Abuse

Good morning everyone! Happy Friday to you all. We got a busy weekend ahead of us as we will be starting the outdoor holiday decorating process. Yes, this year we are starting early thanks to a very generous sponsor which you will read more about on this blog over the next few weeks. I have one local review to do this weekend and my family will be doing the other two. I just need a break and some R&R this weekend after our busy road trip last weekend.

Today’s Topic: How many of you are afraid to call the authorities when you see or suspect child abuse going on? Personally, I am not afraid and have done it several times over the past 30 years. I am not afraid to speak up, jump in and get involved. With that said, I have a friend who is constantly whining to me about her neighbors and how she suspects child abuse going on within that neighbor’s home. I asked her why she isn’t calling the authorities and she said “She doesn’t want to get involved & cause a ruckus in her neighborhood”. WTH? Hmmm, no, that doesn’t fly with me. Some of the things she has told me about these neighbors over the past 6 months is really disgusting, things she has personally seen or heard coming from their home and/or yard. Well, this morning when she called crying I told her she has 24 hours to call the authorities or I would. So, waiting to see if she gets enough “GUTS” to do the right thing.

Our question today is…have you ever reported anyone when you suspected child abuse or child neglect? These days, too many people don’t want to get involved which really saddens me. Your thoughts?