Bulu Box Health and Nutrition Monthly Subscription Box
I was excited to have been able to review the Bulu Box! The Bulu Box is a vitamin, supplement, and general health subscription sample box designed to help feel the very best. It has a new mix of products for both men and women. Each sample was just enough to get me to decide which product was right for me.
With the Bulu Box, it is like having a personal trainer and a nutritionist as a best friend. Store shelves are filled with tons of options to choose from. I’ve been there before, and spends a large amount of money on products I try—IF they work, GREAT, but sometimes they don’t! When they don’t, I just wasted money on something that wasn’t right for me! That is what is great about Bulu Box bringing neatly packaged trial sized versions of vitamins and supplements to try in the comfort of my own home.
By just signing up at www.bulubox.com, I was able to choose from monthly or yearly subscriptions, at a low cost, and could cancel at any time! I could even choose to gift Bulu too!
Not all the things I got were just ‘diet pills’. They were actual supplements to fuel my ‘FEEL GOOD DISCOVERY’! There was a variety of types of samples. There was a pre-workout amplifier, which helped me for my morning run to push myself a little further and a little harder. I also received a heart health support, which you could never go wrong with something like that! (Leading cause of death in women, recorded in 2009 is heart disease). An instant energy spray for that mid-day slump, so I didn’t have to take my 3PM nap. I even got an awesome stay-fit bonus which was a downloadable workout! My favorites were the sleep better supplements and natural relaxers, for better sleep, because I am a complete insomniac! I got better sleep, without worrying about depending on a prescription sleep aid!
I loved getting the Bulu Box, to await my treasures that I can receive to improve my mind and body for life. This is a great subscription for anyone who wants to get healthier by trying different health and nutrition products before buying the full size bottle.
Disclaimer: Ruby has received no compensation for this post but was given free product for purpose of review. Her opinions and words are her own. Your thoughts & opinions may differ. Please read our Official Rules before entering this giveaway. All Content on this site is Copyright of the Two Classy Chics All Rights Reserved.