Winners for October 2nd + Halloween Costumes for Young Kids

Good morning everyone! Happy hump day Wednesday…we are 1/2 way to the weekend and here in the mid Atlantic states it is supposed to be a beautiful weekend with high temps around 84. Yay!!! I love weather like this in October!

Today’s Topic: I was watching the news this morning about parent’s being outraged about some of the inappropriate Halloween costumes being marketed towards little kids (mainly toddlers). Apparently Walmart yanked off their shelves a costume called “Naughty Kitty” and they showed it on the news. First…I didn’t see anything naughty or sexy about that costume. I thought it was cute. The word “naughty” can mean many different things and there was nothing “sexual” about that costume in my parental eyes. With that said…I do think there are some really inappropriate costumes out there for little kids. I would NEVER dress my child as a hooker/stripper nor my son for that matter. We never left our daughter dress as anything sexual or evil (she was not allowed to dress as the devil or witch either). Sorry…we are Catholic and we do have some standards when it comes to costumes. So let’s hear it from all of you! What are your thoughts on this topic today?

We had a few giveaways close late last night so we do have winners to announce this morning. As always, we spend time every morning validating entries, trashing out the cheater entries and then randomly select a winner using We then double check that persons entry to make sure it’s legit and then finalize it.

Winner for the accent skin care products:  Teresa Thompson
Winner for the Suzanne Bowen Fitness DVD: Michelle Henriquez

Congratulations to both of our lucky winners this morning. I will be emailing each of you shortly. Thanks & have a great Wednesday!!!