Are You an Early Riser or Do You Sleep In?

Good Morning all! Welcome to Thursday! I was thinking this morning, especially as my alarm was buzzing at 0 dark-thirty, about how I am so not an early morning person normally. I have had jobs in my life where I had to be at work at 7 am. That was always interesting. I also worked for a grocery store where I started at 4 am and had to be up a 2:30 each morning. I actually loved that job and usually did not have an issue getting up, surprisingly. Without an alarm, I normally wake up between 7 and 8 am and I feel good. When I have to set an alarm, getting up seems to be the last thing I want to do.

Every one has their normal sleep patterns and while I like sleeping in without an alarm, like I do on the weekends, I guess I don’t mind being up early, once I am up. I love working before the rest of the family gets up and starts creating havoc and I do get a ton of work done while it is quiet. My dad wakes up every day between 4 and 5 am because he has gotten up early for so many years. My mother in law likes to sleep in late, like to 10 or 11! I cannot do that! Are you are early riser or do you sleep late? Do you let your body clock tell you when to get up or do you use an alarm? What feels good to you?

Well, we do have some winners for you today!! The Musselmans Applesauce was a popular giveaway as well as the Raley’s candy! Two yummy foodies choices to giveaway today. Let’s see who are our winners!

Musselmans winner is: Birdie Skolfield
Raley’s Candy winner is: joanie

Congrats to our winners and thanks to all for entering with us. Have a great Thursday!