What is Naturopathy and How Can a Naturopathic Doctor Help You

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Dr. Tara Andresen – ND for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

Today I would like to give all of our blog readers a little education about what is Naturopathy and how a Naturopathic Doctor can help you. While I am not a medical professional, I did want to share my personal knowledge and experience with you.

A Naturopathic Doctor is a doctor who has completed at least 7 years of academic studies at an accredited North American institution for naturopathic medicine. A Naturopathic doctor is completely different than someone who practices homeopathic remedies. Once an ND is licensed, they must continue with their education and meet strict standards to retain their ND license. Their education is very thorough and they are very knowledgeable in many different areas.

A Naturopathic Doctor is educated in Asian medicine, homeopathic remedies, botanic medicine, acupuncture, nutrition, physical medicine, counseling and more. Most ND’s complete over 3,000 hours of classroom studies which is followed up with over 1,200 hours of supervise clinical experience.

So now that you know what an ND is…it’s time to learn how one can treat you and help you with any conditions you may be suffering from. Conditions Treated by a Naturopath include but are not limited to: menopuause, PMS, osteoporosis, yeast infections, fertility problems, high blood pressure, TMJ & jaw pain, muscle tension, fibromyalgia, allergies, headaches & migraines, acne, diabetes, depression, back pain, neck pain, frequent infections, Crohn’s disease, dermatitis, aging issues, insomnia, weight loss, weight management and a whole host of other conditions.

For myself, I have seen a naturopathic doctor several times for the treatment of chronic pain from Porphyria and Fibromyalgia. While they can’t cure a person like me, they can certainly help us to improve our quality of life. I found acupuncture and dietary changes to be extremely helpful with me managing both of my chronic diseases. While I am not giving medical advice, I did want to share with all of you that I found great help when I sought out a ND for treatment.

My mother also sufferes from Fibromyalgia and she has a terrible time with osteoporosis. She sees an ND down here in the states and gets monthly and sometimes bi-monthly accupuncture treatments to help her manage her pain. She has been seeing an ND for the past 6 years and absolutely tries to avoid traditional medicine whenever she can.

My 29 year old daughter has all kinds of menstrual problems with chronic headaches. Traditional medicine has only made her worse so I am hoping to convince her to see a naturopathic doctor in the very near future. How many of you have ever seen one and for those of you who have…what kind of ailment did you seek treatment for and what kind of treatment did you receive?

If you live in Canada and are looking for some help, you can check out the Dr. Tara Andresen Naturopathic Clinic located in Toronto. In addition, I would highly recommend that you check out their very infortmative web site for all kinds of great educational resources on What is Naturopathic Medicine? and how they can help you.  While you are there, make sure you check out their very infomrative blog too! If you are worried about costs, most fees are covered by workplace insurance plans.

I would love to hear about your personal experience if you would love to share. You can leave your comments below in our blog’s comment form. Thanks!

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