Grounded by Angela Correll Book Review
I love to read good women’s contemporary fiction novels. The authors today have such an in depth view of the human psyche and a way with words that you can really become a part of the story. I was able to read a book from a new author and I am happy to share my thoughts with you on this excellent novel.
GROUNDED by Angela Correll
Koehler Books
Pub Date: October 1, 2013.
GROUNDED introduces the reader to the jet-set world of flight attendant Annie Taylor, an independent woman leading a fast-paced big city lifestyle. On the surface she seems to have it all – a high-flying career that takes her to glamorous places, a New York City lifestyle, and the “perfect” boyfriend. But a sudden lay-off from her job quickly shows Annie that her life is not all it seems, and instead of racing towards a bright future she’s actually running away from the past.
When her life begins to fall apart Annie returns to her Kentucky roots, seeking to reconcile her past and rebuild her future. Annie’s return to her family’s farm brings her face-to-face with a shotgun-wielding grandmother and her childhood sweetheart. As she comes to grips with her own issues, Annie is faced with a farm in disrepair, a stubborn and ailing grandmother and conflicted feelings about the boy she left behind so many years ago.
First-time novelist Angela Correll has created a rich tapestry of characters with strong ties to family and faith. The author’s passion for sustainable agriculture is also represented in Annie’s rediscovered love of her family’s farm. GROUNDED brings its characters to a crossroads in life where pasts are confronted and second chances are born.
My Thoughts:
I was born in a small town and spent many weeks and summers at my grandmothers home. She had a resort on a lake and much of our time was spent fishing, playing outside or catching frogs and digging worms to sell to the fisherman. Small town beliefs is what I was raised on and boy could I relate to much of this story line. I was exactly like Annie. Small town girl escapes for the big city life. But soon realizes big city life really cannot make up for the slower, simpler life you get in small town USA.
This story is set in Kentucky where everyone knows you and the boy next door is probably the one you marry. I love the way the author tells the story of Annie and the relationship she has with her only living relative, her grandmother. They are from different times and have very different views, but the longer Annie spends with the grandmother, the more they come to understand each other.
Classified as contemporary women’s fiction but also as Christian Fiction, this book has everything you want in a awesome read. A bit of romance, a touch of heartbreak, plenty of family and friends, a touch of mystery, and lots of down home wisdom that only grandparents know how to dole out. It is a refreshing story that leaves you wondering just what the future will hold. Maybe a sequel is in the works because this story is not completed. When you want to read more… it’s a great book! Definitely one to pick up!
Disclaimer: Chris has personally reviewed the product listed above. She has not received any monetary compensation for her review but did receive a free product to try out so she could evaluate and use it for her review. Her thoughts & opinions in this review are unbiased & honest and your opinions may differ.