Family Fun at the Local Pumpkin Patch

Family Fun at the Local Pumpkin Patch

Time for another “almost” Wordless Wednesday post and this week I am featuring a photo of my little grand daughter! A few weeks ago we took her to the local Pumpkin Patch to pick a few pumpkins! This pumpkin picking and apple picking is a family tradition and we started it back when our daughter was 7 years old. She is now 28 so it’s been a very long time!

We start our day with a big family breakfast and a prayer. We then all pile into the cars and head on over to Strite’s Orchards in Harrisburg PA and spend the afternoon picking apples in the apple orchard and then scouting around for the perfect pumpkins in their Pumpkin Patch.

This year we picked a bushel of apples and we got 5 gorgeous pumpkins for our Fall decorating! Miss Gia picked her own pumpkin and her Daddy carved it into a scary looking Jack-o-lantern for her. Hubby and I didn’t carve ours and just have them sitting out on our 2 front porches along with some gourds, hay bales and corn stalks! Such fun!

Well there you have it! Another “almost” Wordless Wednesday post for this week! Is everyone ready for Halloween?