Favorite Daily Beverage

Good morning everyone! Happy Tuesday! Yesterday was CRAZY…a typical super busy Monday! While I got some things done, I didn’t get everything done that I needed to do. Sigh, that means I need to bust butt today and get caught up again.

Today’s Question: What is your favorite beverage that drink every day? I vary on that…some weeks I am on an iced tea kick and on other weeks I am on a gingerale kick but when I drink my gingerale…it must be on ice, a lot of ice or I can’t drink it. In between I will have a cup or two of coffee and in the morning I do like to enjoy a fruit smoothie of some sort. With that said…I am usually downing either gingerale or iced tea throughout the day. How about you?

We had a few giveaways close late last night so we do have winners to announce this morning. As always, we spend time every morning validating entries, trashing out the cheater entries and then randomly select a winner using random.org. We then double check that persons entry to make sure it’s legit and then finalize it.

Winner of Palmolive Giveaway is: Tanya White
Winner of Barney DVD Giveaway is: Nannypanpan

Congratulations to both winners. I will be sending both of you emails this morning so that you can claim those fabulous prizes. Have a great Tuesday everyone & enjoy this beautiful day!


  1. I drink a cappuchino every morning all year long

  2. Congrats to the winners!
    I drink at least 2-3 cups of coffee a day. I like that it is a 0-calorie drink when no creamer is added.
    Sometimes, the carbonation of a diet soda really hits the spot – like Diet Pepsi or Diet Dr. Pepper.
    I also go wild for fruity herbal teas, and like to make loose leaf brews, as well as infusions.

  3. Sherry Compton says

    Congrats to the winners. I hope your week slows down some. I agree that it differs some for me, too. My go-to, comfort drink is a chocolate coke…Sonic has really good ones. On a typical day, I drink tea or water with lemon. My son and daughter would go stay with their grandma – a huge Diet Dr. Pepper addict – for two weeks each summer. They are both grown and believe the best way to start and end each day is with a Diet Dr. Pepper.

  4. Sherri Lewis says

    I have to have my thermos of coffee daily…. I would crash and burn otherwise 🙂

  5. Jo-Ann Brightman says

    Congratulations to the 2 winners.
    The weather has been gorgeous these last couple of days. I like it when it is cool, but not cold for walking outdoors. My drink is almost always iced tea – all year long. I make it by the pitcher every few days and just vary the flavor, sometimes adding green tea with peach or raspberry, sometimes black teas and herbal teas or all of them. If the morning is cold I might heat it up. I prefer it to soda or even coffee.