Winners for Sept 3 and Vacations

Good Morning all. It is a lovely Tuesday morning here in California. For those of you that follow along with our blog, you can see that we are running a bit behind in our normal sequence of events. That is because Miss Shelly has decided to abandon us for a week or so. Yes, she has escaped her duties and is taking a vacation. I can only say lucky girl. I know how nice it is to get away. I only wish I could do it more often. Taking a break from this type of business is very hard as there is always something to write and publish, but we do our best.

How often does your family get away together? It that something you enjoy doing or would you rather stay home and relax? My son is in his last year of high school and then will be off to college, so I really want to plan a big vacation for next summer with my family so he can see his Grandparents, aunts, uncles and the rest of our family. We are the only ones in California, so we do not get to see our family near enough. I think it is really important and my kid has lost out on that a lot. It pretty much stinks for him.

Well, on to our winner for the day. The Swags Galore giveaway closed for $100 g/c so lets see who is our lucky winner today:

Winner is: Lesley F

Congrats to Leslie and thanks to all that have entered with us! Enjoy your day!



  1. congrats winners
    My family all live in the same state so we can get together and vacation a few times a year.

  2. Yup…Miss Shelly is having a blast at the Jersey Shore! The Princess is even having more fun than me. She has been learning to “jump” waves w/her Pappy.

  3. Jo-Ann Brightman says

    Congratulations to the winner.
    I am glad that it is lovely in California. Here it is still very warm and humid, but that is supposed to change by tomorrow for nicer cooler weather. We don’t get away enough, and I am glad that Miss Shelly is having a vacation.