The Wonders of the Atlantic Ocean
Hello everyone!!! Guess what? I am on vacation with the family and down at the Jersey shore! Yay!!! Usually we go down to our condo a few times a year but as you all know…I had hip surgery in late April and was on traveling restrictions. Well guess what? I am not on those restrictions any more and I am having a fabulous time!
Hubby and I got half our family down here with us! My daughter Jenelle (a reviewer here on the blog), her fiancé Big E, Princess Gia and my mother are all here too! The Princess is having the time of her life! We have to practically restrain her to keep her out of the water and wants to be in the ocean 24/7. She is not afraid of it at all.
Yesterday Pappy was teaching Princess how to jump the waves and while they were jumping waves he pointed out a jelly fish to her. In this photo you can see them having fun and spotting baby jelly fish. She is having a ball!
I will be taking a slew of photos down here of things we are seeing and doing and will share them with all of you over the coming weeks. Hope everyone had a great Labor Day…I know I did 🙂