To All TCC Blog Readers – Blog Update Tonight!

Online Lifestyle Mom Blog

First of all, we hope you all have a fabulous upcoming weekend! Yay…the weekend is here! Next, we are changing the design and layout of the Two Classy Chics blog tonight and will be diligently working on it to make it all look pretty for you!

We have been wanting to change the design & update the blog for a long time and finally, this evening it is getting a makeover! Wootwoot! We think you all will love the new look & feel to the blog.

We wanted to let you all know about this just incase we have any hiccups tonight and during the weekend while things are being changed over. We don’t expect any problems but it’s better to be prepared for this types of things.

Just know if you see anything funky or something not working…we are working on the site. If you have any concerns or something isn’t working by Monday, email us to let us know about it. Classystaff(at)yahoo(dot)com

We hope you like the new look later tonight and we appreciate your patience while we do the design change. Have a great weekend!