Liquid Amino Diet Review

I have shared many times on this blog about my weight loss struggles. You know, the never ending journey? So when I was asked to do a review on a weight loss product, I really had to think about it for a bit. I was not sure if this was something I wanted to do. In the end, I decided to give it another chance and at least be able to offer my perspective on the product, if you were thinking about trying it out.

The product is called Liquid Amino Diet. I have never heard about it before but by looking at the website and seeing the engagement on their Facebook page, I thought I would see what it is all about.

I received a bottle of Amino Diet Plus drops and the diet booklet. I really did not have a good grasp on what this program was all about so when I started reading the booklet, I was in for a bit of a surprise. This program is a combination of the drops and a strict diet plan of certain foods. I was already nervous! The diet plan is based on low glycemic eating that will help control blood sugar resulting in rapid and healthy weight loss without feeling hungry. It sounded promising.
Liquid Amino Diet Review
They explained about Inflammatory foods which are those foods with a High Glycemic index that cause problems like heart disease, cancer, diabetes, water retention, cholesterol issues, and more. Also noted was toxins in your body and how to remove the toxins and inflammatory foods to maximize your nutrition. This diet is constructed to use low gylcemic foods like complex carbs, healthy fats and certain proteins so fat storage is stopped and the fat you currently have stored is released. The drops helps to stop hunger and curb cravings.

So the first thing to do is start with the drops. These you place under your tongue for 20 seconds so it will absorb directly into your blood stream and get to work quickly. They are to be taken before breakfast, lunch and dinner. You have to remember to stop drinking anything about 15 minutes before hand and after. That was a tough one to get used to as I sip water all day long without thinking about it. These Doctor formulated diet drops are made to help increase weight loss, rid the body of toxins, and balance your hormones. That all sounded good, so I was going to try it out.

I have to tell you the drops are something that you have to get used to. They have about 20% Ethyl Alcohol in them and when I first placed them under my tongue, it was interesting for sure. I got a bit of burning sensation and I really wanted to chase it with a beverage, but I didn’t. These second dose was not as bad and it got progressively easier as I went along.

One thing that I did notice right away is that you truly do not feel hungry with these drops. That is a big plus for many people that feel their hunger. I also did not have any weird feelings or anything so that was a plus. My biggest problem came with
1) being consistent on taking the drops and
2) sticking to the diet plan.

I was forgetting to take the drops at least once a day. I would do good in the mornings and at lunch time, but the evenings, it was just gone. The diet plan itself, I have to admit, I was just not ready for. Yes, it is an excuse! With the plan, you get about 1000 calories of good food a day so you do burn off the fat but I would have to restructure all of the foods that I/we eat and I was not in a place to do that. I was overly stressed at the time I got the product to do this review and I knew that is not the time to try and stick to a plan – immediate failure for me.

While I know I need to be eating this way, due to my family history, I have to really sit down with the family and restructure everything – make meal plans – and get them on board too. I think the plan is a good one. On the Amino Diet Facebook page you can see all of the awesome testimonials from people that have been losing weight like crazy. I do want that to be me someday, but this past month I have been using it, here and there, just wasn’t my time although I did lose 5 pounds, so that is worth mentioning! LOL

Disclaimer: Chris has personally reviewed the product listed above. She has not received any monetary compensation for her review but did receive a free product to try out so she could evaluate and use it for her review. Her thoughts & opinions in this review are unbiased & honest and your opinions may differ.