How to Find the Perfect Doctor to Treat Your Children

Finding the perfect doctor to treat your children is a very important task that every parent has to do and many parents go about it the wrong way! Often times parents will open up a phone book and call the one that has the most appealing advertisement and this is absolutely not the way to go about it.

When looking for the perfect doctor to treat your children you need to find one that respects you, your parenting beliefs and one that participates with your insurance company. This particular doctor also needs to have office hours that suit your needs and have a flawless track record when it comes to treating children. But how do you find one? Well, here is how you can find the perfect doctor!
How to Find the Perfect Doctor to Treat Your Children
* Ask your family, friends and co-workers who they are using for their own children and find out if they have ever had a problem with the person they are using.

* Most hospitals these days have physician referral hotlines so call into the hospital that you prefer to use and ask them for a few referrals and ask them if there has ever been any complaints against those doctors filed at their hospital. You have the right to know this information.

* Call your states medical board and ask them for a few referrals to doctors who have a great track record in your local area. Make it clear to them that you do not want any referrals to any doctors who have had complaints filed against them.

* Call your medical insurance company and ask them for referrals to doctors who participate with your insurance plan. While you have them on the phone ask them if any member of your insurance plan has filed a complaint against any of the doctors you are being referred to. Trust me…patients do file complaints with their insurance companies when they have a problem with a physician.

Once you have your list compiled make sure you check out each physician thoroughly and then call up their offices and see if you can come in just for a consultation to see if the office and physician are a good fit for you and your family. You should be “checking” out several doctors and then narrow your list down to you most preferred doctor and set up a full-blown appointment with them. You, your spouse and your children should all be there for the first appointment to make sure this doctor is a good fit for all of you. If so, congratulations, you just found the perfect doctor to treat your children.