Sparkling Tequila Sunrise Cocktail Recipe
I love a good tequila…especially if that tequila is mixed with the wonderful taste of mango and orange. There is just something about those two fruits when mixed with a good tequila that reminds me of a sunny tropical island…some where in the Caribbean. Yay!
Well our good friends over at Sparkling ICE sent over this delicious looking cocktail recipe for us to share with all of you.
Sparkling Tequila Sunrise Cocktail Recipe
4 oz Orange Mango Sparkling ICE
2 oz tequila
1/2 oz grenadine
Orange slice for garnish
Maraschino cherry for garnish
Directions: Mix and serve in a tall glass with ice.
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Disclosure: The recipe & photo was provided to us by our friends over at Sparkling ICE. You must be 21 years old to drink alcohol. Please drink responsibly and visit our friends over at Sparkling ICE for additional recipes & product information.