Are The Kids Ready for The New School Year?
We all know how much the parents are ready for back to school but are the kids ready too? When my son was younger and in grades 1-6 or so, I was the mean mom and always made him read and do math workbooks during the summer. I figured that 3 months is a long time to be without some sort of brain stimulation. Heck, I knew how much I forgot and had to remember once I got back to school in the fall. So, we would go to the library and get books out to read and once a week, the teachers at the school would be there during the summer to allow testing on the books they read. Plus I would pick up workbooks at WalMart or KMart and make him work through them a few times a week.
Did he like that? Not really but it really helped and the more we did it, the less he would complain. When he would go back to school, he never had issues remembering past work and was ahead of the class in many areas. Today, he excels in math and his reading has always been above average.
But not all kids have the opportunity to be ready like my son did. Or they may need more help in other areas. That is when sites like Ashley Tutors can help. They offer a great quiz that can help you determine whether your child is ready for school, almost ready or if they could use a few more weeks of summer! There is a lot of resources on the site as well that can help you and your child prepare for a great school year!
I know how hard it is to motivate a child about school. But now is the time to gear up and get ready for a great year!