How to Exercise Safely in the Heat

How to Exercise Safely in the HeatNow that the sun is out you can stop hiding indoors and head on out for a bit of fun. Exercising outdoors is invigorating but can also be dangerous if you are not equipped with the right gear. Here are some tips to keep you safe.

It’s a lot of fun to run in the sun. Many people don’t even think about how the heat may be affecting them. However, even if you are used to being outdoors, extremes of temperature combined with your condition on any particular day can lead to disaster. To be safe, always protect yourself during exercise in the heat.

The Truth about Heat

The body is a fascinating machine. It works without any assistance from us except to give it what it wants. As the body heats up, the body works to cool off through a regulating system.

First, it pumps more blood through your vessels to the skin. Water is released through your pores as sweat to cool you off and lower your temperature. You feel relief as the water evaporates off your skin.

There are different factors that can complicate this process. First, humidity prevents evaporation of the sweat. If you are ill, your systems are compromised already before the body has to battle the heat. Ignoring your symptoms and continuing to exercise can lead to more serious concerns.

How to Exercise Safely in the Heat

1. Wear proper clothing – Advances have been made in fitness clothing. There are clothes that wick away moisture leaving your skin dry. They can help you continue to sweat and stay cool during humid days.

2. Choose later times for your activities – With daylight savings time in effect, days are longer. You can play that pick-up game of basketball or that baseball game after the temperature begins to drop for the evening.

3. Stay hydrated – Always have adequate water with you or access to adequate water supplies. The body doesn’t care whether the water is warm or cold, but cold water goes down better and can help you cool off faster.

4. Take a break – There is nothing wrong with taking a breather. If you feel fatigued, take a time out. It is best to take a break every hour or as often as you need.

5. Eat properly – If you exercise then you know how important it is to have the proper fuel on board. You can exercise longer when you eat the right foods before your workout as well as loading up on fluids.

6. Stay out of the sun as much as possible – It will be hot enough due to the temperature. Standing in direct sunlight will only make you that much warmer. Seek shade whenever you can and wear a hat and sunglasses to protect your head and eyes.

If you are an avid outdoor person, you can keep up the practice on warm days. Just use some common sense and stay safe.

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