The Beautiful Oregon Coastline

My family loves to travel via car as much as possible. We have traveled thousands upon thousands of miles and have visited most of the western states, all the way to Minnesota by car over the years. From the time my son was about 2, we would take vacations by car or RV.

Oregon coastline

I love to take pictures when we travel. It makes for lovely memories of the cool things that we see and the beautiful parts of America that are often missed when flying. Yes, taking a airplane gets you there faster, but the beauty of our country is magnificent to see. My son has seen so much more of the country going up than his peers and he has even said that he feels sorry for kids that have never even left the county!

Today I want to share with you a lovely photo I took on a trip several years ago on the Oregon coastline. It shows the gorgeous rocky coastline in this area. It is so lovely to see!