Gardening: Colorful Flowers in Hanging Basket

I love flowers! They take me to a happy place but I am not the greatest at growing and maintaining them. I usually stick with green shrubs and flowering bushes in my yard. So when I see an amazing display of flowers, I have to go check them out!

Gardening: Colorful Flowers in Hanging Basket

Last week I made a quick trip to the Oregon Coast and saw this amazing display of flowers hanging in front of the restaurant we went to. This is only 1 of three massive plants and it was fragrant and so beautiful! This reminds me of the flowers that I see in the small town my parents live in as well as Germany and Austria where they have the weather for it. Where I live, these would not survive.

Hope you enjoy!


  1. those flowers are so pretty and I would love to experience their sweet fragrance! I love taking pictures of flowers!!!

  2. I’d love to have that hanging on my backporch! Beautiful purples!

  3. Julie Wood says

    What a big display of gorgeous flowers! I like the color and I have a lot of hanging baskets of flowers on my front porch. This flower bush is huge and I love the purple flowers!

  4. Jo-Ann Brightman says

    This is truly a lovely display and to think that there were 2 more big cascading plants in front of that restaurant. I wish you had been able to take a panoramic photo to show all three. I love this mixture of blue and purple colors.

    • I do have a panoramic pic of them all. I will use it in another WW post in the future so you all can see it. Truly gorgeous!

  5. I remember all the flowers when I lived in Germany – they seemed to be everywhere. Lots of window boxes.

  6. Sherry Compton says

    Wow! It’s beautiful! So big and the purples are lovely. I love big, cascading baskets and like to use them to bring color and life to my front porch. The photo is gorgeous. I had to go back for several looks.

  7. ellen beck says

    That is lovely and the colors are so soothing!

  8. Oh my, what a beautiful display! Whoever cares for the plants at that restaurant surely has a green thumb. Thanks for sharing the photo.