Would You Ever Shave Your Head Bald?
A friend of mine who lives in Maryland just attended a cancer charity fundraiser event last weekend and guess what she did? That’s right, she shaved her head bald! For this fundraiser they went out and collected money from people they knew and then at the event they presented their checks and had their heads shaven.
I admire her for doing that as it’s very important to raise money to help find cures for Cancer, Porphyria, Sickle Cell Anemia, Cystic Fibrosis and other diseases as we all know that the government doesn’t give these groups enough money or resources to find a cure.
Anyway…this got me thinking…Would I have the emotional strength to shave my head bald for a good cause? You bet! If given the chance to participate in a fundraising drive like that for an important cause, I would have no problem with having all of my hair shaved off. Nope…none at all.
Beauty is what you make of it and it comes from inside a person’s soul. I have over 47 surgical incisions all over my body and guess what? They used to bother me and make me feel ugly but they don’t any more! It’s a part of life and my husband loves me regardless.
Are you comfortable enough in your own skin and in your own inner beauty to have your head shaven for a charitable cause? I would love to hear about your thoughts on it!