Parenting – Tips on How to Childproof Your Home

Parenting - Tips on How to Childproof Your HomeWhether you are a mom-to-be or already a mother, it is very important to  childproof your home properly. I am just not talking about purchasing a safety gate and sticking plastic plugs into your wall outlets, I am talking about really taking the time to childproof your home the correct way.

When it comes to childproofing your home you need to do an entire walk-thru of every room in your home. Take a notebook with you and write down a list of things that need to be changed. It’s also a good idea to go through your home on your hands & knees and look at everything on a child’s level.

Here are some important things that you will need to take a look at.

Stairs – Every home that has stairs should have a safety gate that blocks
access to small children. Safety gates are also great to block off access to
garages, basements and other rooms that you don’t want small children to
wander into.

Fireplaces – Every fireplace is a potential danger to a small child. If you have
one in your home you should invest in corner cushions and hearth bumper
guards to help buffer any falls that may occur.

Cabinets, Doors, Drawers and Appliances – All of these items are potentially
dangerous for small children. Invest in locks and latches and install them onto your items.

Trash Cans – All trash cans should have lids and be secured! Children love to investigate what is inside trash cans and these can be a real hazard that most parents don’t think about.

Doors and Windows – Children grow up quickly and within a few months of
crawling and walking can access your doors and windows. I recommend getting door knob covers along with some high pitch door and window alarms. If your child should get a window or door open, the alarm will alert you to the danger.

Electrical Outlets – Insert plastic plugs into all electrical outlets that are within small children’s reach. If you use extension cords or power cords, now is the time to replace them. You can purchase and install multi-electrical outlets that have safety covers already on them which is a safer alternative to using extension cords.

Finally, every home should have an infant and child first aid kit, fire
extinguishers, window ladders (in case of a fire), smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors installed and available. The best way to protect your child’s safety is to be prepared ahead of time for life’s emergencies. Take the time to childproof your home today!

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  1. Jo-Ann Brightman says

    These ae all good tips. It is amazing to me how children can find ways to get into things. They will climb bookcases,etc. Even after you do all of this you always have to keep a watchful eye because there will be something you forgot or never imagined.

  2. Sherry Compton says

    Good tips and very important. Children are everywhere and get into everything. One second can have hem finding trouble. Also, watch for stands and bookcases that can tip over. Keep food items and weapons out of sight and reach.