Oh So Cute… 2 Week Old Baby Lamb

2 Week Old Baby Lamb

Back in late May I went in for some physical therapy to my therapists office and guess what I saw? A 2-week old baby lamb! Who would of thought? Oh my gosh, I was totally surprised and wow…was she a cutie pie!

The owner of the little lamb told us that the lamb’s mother had twins by C-section at a local vet and mommy didn’t make it through the surgery. So, the owner adopted this little newborn lamb and has been feeding it (lamb milk by bottle) and the little lamb wears disposable diapers! See, they are pink…she is a girl!

You can tell that she thinks she is a human and is very loveable and people friendly already! She left me hold her and she gave me a ton of little lamb kisses! She was super soft and very well behaved too!

From what I understand, they are going to try to train her to be a physical therapy aid…just something that patients can “love” upon while getting their therapy, especially the little kids who go there.

Anyway, I just had to share because she is well….so darn cute! After spending an afternoon with her, I wouldn’t mind getting myself another adorable little pet!