The Top 20 Things I Hate About Summer

The Top 20 Things I Hate About Summer

For the most part…I love Summer and it’s my favorite season of the year because I am an outdoorsy type of person and my passion is being on the beach. There is just something emotionally happy about sunshine, warmer temps and fresh air!

With that said, there are many things that I hate about the Summer season and today, I thought I would share them with all of you and perhaps you wouldn’t mind sharing with me some of the things you hate about Summer too!

1. Humidity (bad hair days)
2. Bugs (mosquitoes, bees, ants, spiders, etc.)
3. Poison Plants
4. Snakes
5. Loud music blasting from cars passing by
6. Litter (people litter more during the warmer months)
7. Urination in public pools
8. Extreme Heat (temps over 90+)
9. Traffic Jams in extreme heat
10. Severe Weather Storms (tornado’s, hurricanes, lightening, etc.)
11. Inconsiderate Beach Go’ers (changing clothes on beach)
12. Cigarette Smokers (who throw butts out of car windows)
13. Tourists (great for economy but cause us traffic jams)
14. Crappy Deodorants (too much sweating)
15. Dog Walkers (who let dogs crap in my yard)
16. Re-runs on TV (too much of that going on!)
17. Kids (running thru neighborhood unsupervised all summer long)
18. Mud Puddles
19. Weeding (love gardening but hate weeding)
20. Grass Mowing

So let’s hear it…what are some of the things you hate about Summer? Leave your comments below in our comment form!

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