Yellow Bearded Iris Garden Flowers

Yellow Iris Garden Flowers

I love gardening and now that we are all moved into our new home, I have been digging up the yard, planting new flowers, working on the landscaping and all kinds of fun outdoor things!

Last Fall I decided to plant some IRIS bulbs (some people call them Flags) and was pleasantly surprised that they bloomed this year. We planted red, purple, white and yellow Iris’ and so far…the yellow ones are blooming.

The red, purple and white ones will be blooming soon and all of them are about 1 to 1 1/2 foot tall (love that they get tall) and all of them look very healthy which I am pretty happy about since we had some late frost about 2 1/2 weeks ago.

When the rest of my beautiful Iris’ start blooming, I will get some more photos but I did want to share this photo which was taken near my front door. They are great flowers to plant when you need a taller flower around your home or in the back or center of one of your flower beds. Super easy to grow too!

Anyway, that is my “Almost” Wordless Wednesday post for this week! Now, I need for hubby to fix the cracks in our sidewalk that hurricane Sandy caused last Fall. ugh!

So ladies, what is growing in your yard or flower beds right now? I would love to hear all about it! Happy Gardening!


  1. What a beautiful yellow Iris. All my Iris’s are done blooming already. Most of mine are the regular purple ones that they call Blue Flags. I have a few other but not as many of them I have 2 sorta plum dark colored that are beautiful and a few white with just purple around the edges from my aunt who recently passed away and I think of them as her Iris’s Love flowers : )

  2. Christy Cummins says

    Iris are my favorites! My great-grandmother had an iris garden and when I was little I would go and lay down in it and look at the iris and watch the clouds go by. I miss that…

  3. I’ve always been fond of yellow daffodils, they would bloom every year in the backyard.

  4. Jo-Ann Brightman says

    I love the strong yellow colorandfancy edges of the iris. I wonder why only the yellow have bloomed. This weather has confused my flowers. Some came up a few weeks ago and then it got cold, then wet, and now it will be 90 degrees in a day or so.

  5. Iris are one of my favorite flowers – such pretty colors and fancy edges. The Iris are just now blooming around Denver.