Azalea Bushes in Full Bloom
I love gardening…all kinds of gardening which includes flower gardens, flowering bushes, herb gardens and veggie gardens.
Well, about 4 years ago when we bought this house we planted 8 scrawny looking Azalea bushes and while it has taken 4 years, they all flowered this year and have quadrupled in size! (Thanks Miracle Gro).
We have several red ones, a few pink ones and purple ones too! I think in the Fall I will plant 1 or 2 white Azalea bushes to go along with the other ones and put them between my property line and the neighbors. (Perhaps it will help to deter their dogs from coming over here).
Last week all 8 of our Azalea bushes came out into full bloom and they look beautiful and they smell sooooo good! All of the neighbors have been over to check them out as ours looks better than theirs! hahaha! I didn’t tell them about the Miracle Gro so shhhhh on that!
Hubby is going to plant my annuals this coming weekend as we got delayed in putting them in due to all of the cool & rainy weather we have had the past 3 weeks. I will get photos of my flower beds once they are all looking nice next.
Do you love flower gardening? If so, what kind of things did you plant this year? We would love to hear all about it!
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