We are Heading Down to South Carolina Next Month!

Well, it’s official! My sister is getting married and next month we will be traveling down to South Carolina for the wedding! This is a last-minute wedding and there is a lot to do before the big day!

Before we leave for a trip, I need to find a tuxedo rental Greenville SC, because hubby is going to be the best man! Yay! My sister sent me my dress (I am the matron of honor) and I must say, she has great taste as my dress is beautiful.

After the wedding my sister and her new hubby are leaving for a 7 day cruise to the Caribbean and hubby and I are going to stay at their house and house sit! We are looking forward to exploring the great city called Greenville South Carolina and seeing what the city has to offer.

We have never been to Greenville, so if any of you have any ideas on things we can do while we are visiting, we would love to hear all about them!

Once we are done house sitting, we are heading up to Virgina Beach where my brother-in-law and his wife live. We are going to spend 3 or 4 days with them before we come home to Pennsylvania.

We are really looking forward to our 10 days away and are more than ready for our ‘late’  Spring Break vacation!