Two Classy Chics ~ Week in Review for March 15th
Welcome to our Friday ~ Week in Review post! We will be doing these posts every Friday to update you all on what happened throughout the week, so everyone can get caught up on the things they may of missed!
Quote of the Week: “For every beauty there is an eye somewhere to see it. For every truth there is an ear somewhere to hear it. For every love there is a heart somewhere to receive it.” ~ ~ ~ Ivan Panin
New Reviews & Giveaways: (all links are in our right side bar)
Floating Candles by Zest Avenue
Tavern Direct Gourmet Marinades and Dipping Oils
ViveVita Elegant Chair Covers
iPad Mini 32 GB with Cellular
Kid’s Swimwear from SwimZip
Barney ~ Play with Barney Kid’s DVD
Angelina Ballerina Kid’s DVD
Trendy Maternity Clothes from PinkBlush Maternity
Dial Coconut Water Body Wash
Wendy’s $5.00 GC with 7 Winners!
Melissa & Doug $150 g/c
150 Best Desserts in a Jar Cookbook
Beef & Pork Snack Sticks from Vermont Smoke & Cure
Product Reviews and Book Reviews:
Chilly Jilly Hair Bands
Pura Stainless Steel Water Bottles
Moringa Tea by Green Virgin Products
Strawberry Shortcake DVD Review
Kidorable Backpacks Review + Discount Code
HuMn Metal Wallet
General Topic Posts:
Movie Review – One Night with the King
Shelly’s 8 Personal Spring Cleaning Tips
Shelly’s Personal Experience with Medical Negligence
Shelly’s Almost WW ~ Is it Groundhog Day Again?
Tasty Recipes:
Chicken Chow Mein Recipe
St. Patrick’s Day Veggie & Fruit Juice Recipe
St. Patrick’s Day Parsley & Veggie Juice Recipe
Final Thoughts for the Week: Spring is just around the corner (only a few days away) and we have a lot of Spring Fever product reviews & giveaways in store for all of you! You will start seeing those next week and look for our Preview Sunday post on Sunday to get a good “tease” of what is coming for all of you! We hope you all have a great weekend and thank you for following and reading the Two Classy Chics blog!