Groundhog Day in Pennsylvania

Fat Ass GroundhogDo you all remember me b*tching and complaining about the 5 groundhogs that live on our property? If you recall, I moaned and groaned about them for months because they were digging holes in our yard, eating my garden to pieces and ripping a part our shed and rain spouts!

Well, in late October they disappeared and from what I am told…they went into hibernation and we were temporarily rid of those destructive buggers! Well, last weekend we spotted one out in our backyard again, so I am guessing they are now coming out of hibernation again since Spring is almost here.

Blah!!! We are not looking forward to this war with the groundhogs again this year! We are going to try spraying “wolf and coyote urine” around the perimeter of our yard and if that doesn’t work…we are going to ask the township for help in dealing with the problem.

We can’t go through another Spring, Summer and Fall season with 5 groundhogs running around our property and destroying it. While I think they are cute to look at…they sure are destructive and that is a definite “NO GO” for me this year! ugh!

So, there you have it! Our “Almost Wordless Wednesday” for this week! Do any of you have groundhog problems? If so, what are you doing about it? Any suggestions on how I can get them to stay out of our yard?