The Posting of Winners on the Two Classy Chics blog

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Good afternoon/evening Two Classy Chics blog readers! We hope you all are having a wonderful Friday!

We posted a question over on Facebook this morning and decided to also post it here on our blog. We would love to get some reader feedback on the topic of posting winners here on our blog.

1. We have always posted our winner’s publicly here on our blog. We do it within one day of the giveaway closing and post them for everyone to see.

We have noticed a growing trend of bloggers not posting winners on their blogs and wanted to know how you felt about that? We know it’s time consuming and it does take up space on our site, but we have always felt that it was important to publicly disclose who the winners of each giveaway that is hosted here on our site and to do so in a timely manner.

How do all of you feel about that? Do you wish for us to continue to post our winners daily for everyone to see? (on the days that giveaways have closed) or don’t you care if we don’t publicly disclose who the winners are? Your thoughts on this?

2. A few months ago we started posting our winners over on Facebook and on Twitter. We started this just incase winner’s don’t receive our email newsletter, check our blog regularly and/or if our winning email notification goes into their spam box.

Do you like that we are now posting the winners on Facebook and Twitter? Don’t care? What are your thoughts on that?

We would love to hear what you think, so please leave your thoughts below in our blog’s comment form.