Mobile Devices Open a World of Learning
Mobile devices are opening up a brand new world of learning for adults. Whether you are a professional that spends hours a day on the road, a business owner that needs to train new employees or you are a work at home mom, mobile learning is something we all can embrace. Your tablet and smartphones can take your knowledge to a whole new level.
Mobile Learning, sometimes referred to new as mlearning, is quickly becoming the new buzz word. mLearning makes computer based training readily available any time and anywhere. There is a fabulous site that will help you get your training to those that need it most. Check out LeanForward and their learning solutions.
Companies have been taking mLearning to new heights with their teams. Just think about these options:
** You have sales reps or field personnel that need additional training but they are located all over the place. Flying them in for one on one training is a huge expense. But if they could log in for training, they can be updated on the fly.
** You have reps in the field that need special technical details to complete a job or they can log in to refresh their memory before an important sales call. Having client information at their fingertips can help close sales or complete a job more efficiently.
Your team could access how to video or training seminars any time and any place. This will save money and increase the access to training for the team any time and any place. Tablets open up a world of technology and will support many forms of elearning. Smartphones are a great tool but have limited functionality because of the size, but still a great option for many forms of training.
If you are a business owner and are looking for opening up a world of learning for yourself and your team, swing by LeanForward and see what mobile learning can do for you and your business.
Disclaimer: I was compensated by the advertiser to write this post. I was provided with the subject matter to write about but the thoughts, opinions and words are 100% mine. All information contained on this blog is copyright 2012, All Rights Reserved.