Happy Valentine’s Day!
Valentine’s Day is a day that I always look forward to and even after all of these years, I can honestly say that I love my husband even more today, than yesterday. We have been together since 1984 and got married in 1986…I have spent more time living with my husband than what I did with my own mother! Wow, it is amazing how quickly those years pass us by!
This year we will be officially celebrating Valentine’s Day and our 27th Wedding Anniversary together and taking a little romantic vacation trip together in early April. We wanted to do it later this month but that will have to wait until I fully recover from surgery.
In the meantime, he surprised me late last night with a beautiful bouquet of flowers and a huge box of chocolate truffles…my favorites! What a great guy!
So today, I wanted to wish you all a very Happy Valentine’s Day! If you would like to share with us what you got or what you did for Valentine’s Day, please do so! We would love to hear all about it!
~* Happy Valentine’s Day *~