Solve Your Tired & Aching Feet Problems with Foot Petals
As a woman, I love shoes and I love almost every kind of shoe out there! I love high-heels, sandals, flats, clogs, sneakers, flip-flops, you name it…I love it! With that said, my feet don’t always love my choices in footwear!
Over the years I have suffered with calluses, bunions, blisters and just aching feet and most of the time those issues happened when I would sport around high heels for long periods of time. Just recently I attended a Holiday party and sported around 6″ heels for 5 hours and by the end of the night, my feet were in terrible pain!
I was discussing this issue with a friend of mine last week and she was telling me about these cool women shoe insoles that she has used in the past that has totally eliminated all of those unwanted nasty problems for her. My friend uses insoles in every pair of shoes that she owns…and raves and raves about them!
Hubby and I will be leaving for our cruise in early May and I am determined to have a pain-free cruise for the 14 days we are on vacation. I am going to pack only 4 pairs of shoes and I think I will get insoles for all 4 pairs.
I found the Foot Petals site online and was reading up on them and they look like the perfect choice for me. I love how they are virtually (if not…invisible) under nearly every pair of shoes that you own…including heels! Isn’t that cool?
I love that they come in a wide variety of fun colors and a variety of styles to suit every style of shoe that I will be taking on my vacation trip. On top of that….super affordable too!
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