Mrs. Claus and her Elf on Christmas Morning

Mrs. Claus and her Elf on Christmas Morning

It has been several weeks since I had the pleasure of doing an “Almost Wordless Wednesday” post, so it’s about time that I get to a new one.

As you all know, I was recently in the hospital for 4 1/2 weeks and tomorrow will mark 1 week since I have returned home. I spent the entire month of December and the first 2 days of January in there and for the most part…it was NOT pleasant to say the least!

On Christmas morning after being heavily medicated with my pain medications, the nurse opens the door to my room and standing right outside my door was Mrs. Claus and her favorite Elf.

OH MY GOSH! I wasn’t sure if the pain medications were playing a trick on me or what! After I realized they were REAL….I laughed and laughed in my hospital bed! The two of them looked ridiculous but it was nice to have something to laugh about on Christmas morning. I have to admit, the elf reminded me of a deranged CLOWN that escaped from the circus and I am NO fan of clowns…they scare me!

On a bright note, later that day…my husband, daughter and grand daughter came in to visit me and that really cheered me up & brought a smile to my face!

Hope you all had a great holiday!

~ Shelly