Delicious Golden Sangria Cocktail Recipe

There’s no need to stray away from your New Year’s resolution with unsatisfying, syrupy cocktail mixes. Drink in style and take in the glamour of the Golden Globes with this refreshing diet conscious drink from Sparkling ICE and VOGA Italia Wine! And don’t forget about VOGA’s perfectly portioned Baby Sparkling Wine – a great personalized addition to any Golden Globe party you might be hosting.

Golden Sangria Cocktail Recipe

2 Bottles of VOGA Moscato
1 cup peach favored brandy
2 sliced peaches
2 sliced apricots
1 sliced orange
1 sliced Granny Smith apple
½ cup raspberries

Directions: Pour VOGA Moscato and brandy in a large pitcher and add sliced peach, apricot, apple, orange, and raspberries. Chill mixture for at least one hour (the longer the better!) and stir before serving.

Calories per 6 oz serving: 145

Disclaimer: You must be 21 years of age or older to consume alcohol. Please drink responsibly. Thank you Voga Italia for sharing the recipe with us and our readers. Photo credit: Voga Italia.

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